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Главный редактор: И.С. Прохоров, к.с.-х.н.
Редакция: И.И. Прохорова (директор), М.А. Королькова, Н.В. Куроптева, М.В. Царева, к.с.-х.н.
Редколлегия: А.И. Беленков, д.с.-х.н., С.Л. Белопухов, д.с.-х.н., к.х.н., Н.М. Белоус, д.с.-х.н., Т.Ю. Бортник, д.с.-х.н., И.И. Дмитревская, д.с.-х.н., Л.А. Дорожкина, д.с.-х.н., А.А. Завалин, д.с.-х.н., С.Ю. Зайцев, д.б.н., д.х.н., А.Л. Иванов, д.б.н., Л.В. Кирейчева, д.т.н., А.В. Кураков, д.б.н., С.В. Лукин, д.с.-х.н., С.М. Лукин, д.б.н., М.Г. Мустафаев, д.с.-х.н. (Азербайджан), С.М. Надежкин, д.б.н., М.М. Овчаренко, д.с.-х.н., к.х.н., А.В. Пасынков, д.б.н., Т.Ф. Персикова, д.с.-х.н. (Беларусь), О.А. Подколзин, д.с.-х.н., Т.Р. Рыспеков (Казахстан), к.с.-х.н., Н.И. Санжарова, д.б.н., В.М. Семенов, д.б.н., В.И. Титова, д.с.-х.н., П.А. Чекмарев, д.с.-х.н., О.Х. Эргашева, к.б.н. (Узбекистан)
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Журнал зарегистрирован в Министерстве печати и информации Российской Федерации 29 апреля 1997 г.
Свидетельство № 011095.
2024 / Issue 5
Comparative efficiency of ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulphate in cultivation of spring wheat
DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2024-5-001
Results of research conducted in the Leningrad region for identification of efficiency of ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate when cultivating spring wheat at soddy-podzolic light loamy soil. It has been established that the positive effect of ammonium sulfate in the formation of the yield and technological qualities of spring wheat grain in comparison with ammonium nitrate manifests itself under relatively favorable hydrothermal conditions that develop during the growing season. Moreover, in a year with drought during the growing season, both types of fertilizers did not differ significantly in their effect on grain yield and quality. The dependence of wheat grain yield on the NDVI value by vegetation phases is presented. Wheat grain yield is most closely related by a nonlinear relationship with NDVI in the flowering (R2 = 0.947) and milky ripeness (R2 = 0.849) phases, as well as a linear relationship in the booting phase (R2 = 0.920).
Keywords: spring wheat, soddy-podzolic soil, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, technological qualities of grain, NDVI, GreenseekerТМ.
Efficiency of long-term fertilizer application in agrocoenoses of the European North
DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2024-5-002
The article presents the results of studies in long-term stationary experiments in crop rotations with different doses of organic and mineral fertilizers, conducted on soddy-podzolic soil of the Komi Republic, starting from 1978. It was found that the combined use of organic and mineral fertilizers significantly increased soil fertility and productivity of forage crop rotation crops. Thus, the humus content in the soil increased to 2.4-3.0% (with 2.1-2.5% in the control), exchange and hydrolytic acidity decreased, the content of mobile phosphorus increased, ensuring an increase in the yield of forage crop rotation crops and an improvement in the quality of agricultural products. Similar results were obtained in a long-term field experiment of the Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University (RSAU – MTAA).
Keywords: forage crop rotation, organic and mineral fertilizers, humus, yield, grass mixtures, crude protein, dry matter, nitrates.
Balance of soil organic matter in leached chernozem under different technologies of growing crops
DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2024-5-003
The article presents the balance of soil organic matter (SOM) for 53 years of stationary experiment at the Central Experimental Field of the Kurgan Scientific-Research Institute for Agriculture. The accumulation of plant residues depended on the value of the crop yield formed. With an increase in the mass of residues, the content of SOM increased as they decomposed. Without the use of fertilizer, the balance of SOM was negative. A positive balance was achieved only on the backgrounds of nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer application at the second and third levels of nitrogen doses. One-sided nitrogen fertilizer and nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer at the first dose level of nitrogen were not able to This pattern manifested itself both in the 1st part of the experience in the grain crop rotation during annual plowing, and in the 2nd on permanent wheat on a stubble background. Based on the average humus content over 28 years of crop rotation, its stock in the control remained close to the initial (113 t/ha), and on backgrounds N50-75Р40 increased to 132-136 t/ha. Accordingly, in such variants on permanent wheat for stubble over 25 years, the balance changes were as follows: a small increase in the humus reserve in the control to 118 t/ha; and in variants N40-60Р20 to 130-134. The use of N40Р20 is economically effective and optimal in terms of the above characteristics of fertilizer intake in the technology of re-sowing wheat on stubble. Unfortunately, the unfavorable ratio of the cost of fuel, fertilizers and wheat grain at prices in 2023 leads to low profitability.
Keywords: leached chernozem, balance of soil organic matter, nitrogen-phosphorous fertilizers, plant residues, crop rotation, the Kurgan region.
Iodine responsibility of cauliflower and yield loss from clubroot in the North-West Russia
DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2024-5-004
A comprehensive assessment of the agronomic efficiency of iodine foliar top-dressing of cauliflower plantings in a microfield experiment in a vegetable crop rotation established in 2020 in the Pskov region is presented. The soil of the experiment was agro-soddy-slightly podzolic well cultivated and poorly supplied with iodine. In the experiment, two cauliflower hybrids were cultivated: clubroot-resistant Skywalker F1 hybrid and sensitive Silver Ball F1 hybrid. The experimental design, along with an untreated control, included three variants of one-, two- and three-time spraying of cauliflower plantings with a 0.02% KI solution. It was established that the responsiveness of cauliflower to iodine foliar top-dressing was determined by its resistance to clubroot and the frequency of treatments performed. Triple top-dressing with the 0.02% KI solution 2.9 times reduced the development of clubroot on cauliflower roots: in Silver Ball F1 hybrid from critical to weak level, in Skywalker F1 hybrid from weak to negligible level. The responsiveness of Silver Ball F1 hybrid to iodine top-dressing was on average 3.3 times higher than that for Skywalker F1. The optimal frequency of foliar top-dressing with the 0.02% KI solution was triple for Silver Ball F1 hybrid and double for Skywalker F1 hybrid. Their productivity reached 27.27 and 44.40 t/ha, and the increase in productivity was 453 and 17%, respectively. The level of nitrate accumulation in cauliflower heads was reduced by 32 and 25%. Bioaccumulation of iodine in commercial products was revealed in an increase in its content from 83 μg/kg in the control to 409-457 μg/kg in variants with double and triple spraying of plantings with the 0.02% KI solution.
Keywords: potassium iodide, foliar top-dressing, cauliflower, clubroot, agronomic efficiency, productivity.
Yield of spring wheat with application of zeolite on gray forest soil
DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2024-5-005
The article presents the results of a field experiment on gray forest medium loamy soil on the effect of different doses of zeolite (2 and 3 t/ha) on the yield of spring wheat and elements of the crop structure when applied in pure form and against the background of mineral fertilizers. A reliable increase in yield under the influence of fertilizers was noted in 2022 up to 21%, in 2023 – up to 18% compared to the control. A higher response was shown by variants with an increased dose of zeolite, both when applied in pure form and against the background of mineral fertilizers. The number of grains in an ear of spring wheat in the studied variants, depending on the doses of fertilizers and their combination, increased in 2022 by 6-19%, in 2023 – up to 23%. In the 2022 studies, the best result was noted in the variant with zeolite at a dose of 3 t/ha. In 2023, spring wheat plants continued to respond to the fertilizer by forming fuller grain: the weight of 1000 grains increased by 11-15% compared to the control. The maximum values were obtained in the variant using an increased dose of zeolite.
Keywords: zeolite, yield, spring wheat, mineral fertilizers, gray forest soil.
Effect of moisture content of soil on root uptake of 137Cs by barley under controlled conditions
DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2024-5-006
Under controlled conditions of a vegetation experiment, the effect of moisture in soddy-podzolic soil with introduced technogenic radionuclide 137Cs on its root uptake by plants was studied. The effect of biological dilution of radionuclide associated with changes in barley biomass in various experimental variants is shown. The removal of caesium by plants grown on dry and moist soils differed by 1.2 times, while the concentration of 137Cs in barley varied by 1.65 times. It was found that with an increase in the average daily soil moisture in vegetation vessels from 6.7 to 13.3% by weight (or from 25 to 49% FWC), the concentration of radionuclide in the soil solution significantly decreased. There was also a trend to reduce the content of caesium in the exchangeable form (43.2-35.7%).
Keywords: caesium, mass activity concentration, soil solution, accumulation of radionuclides, soil-absorbing complex, barley, soil moisture.
Behavior of 137Cs in «soil – plant» system when using mineral fertilizers in conditions of central floodplain of the Iput river
DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2024-5-007
As a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the fall of artificial radionuclides, there was a decrease in the area of fodder land capable of producing feed that meets radiation standards. The use of agrochemical methods of improvement contributes to the return of retired land to agricultural circulation. Results of research of scientific justification for mineral fertilizers application in radioactively contaminated floodplain meadows, which contribute to reducing the transition of 137Cs from soil to plants are presented. It was established that the main factor in the decrease in the specific activity of 137Cs alluvial soil was time, agrochemical measures for this indicator acted slightly or moderately depending on the year of the studies. The use of meadows of the central floodplain of the Iput river in conditions of pollution density over 555 kBq/m2, both in the distant period after the Chernobyl accident and during the first half-life 137Cs does not guarantee the production of feed with an acceptable level of 137Cs content. Despite the reduction in soil 137Cs by more than 2 times and the partial migration of radionuclide into layers 10-15 and 15-20 cm, currently, the amount of 137Cs in the soil does not allow obtaining feed that meets the standard for 137Cs content, only the use of potash fertilizer at a dose of 60 kg of active ingredient and more will make it possible to obtain normatively «clean» feed, it is potash fertilizers that served as a barrier to the transition of 137Cs from soil to plants and thereby reduced the biological migration of radionuclide into the soil profile.
Keywords: alluvial soil, migration, 137Cs, mineral fertilizer, natural fodder lands.
Analysis of regularities of 137Cs distribution in soil of agricultural lands of the Bryansk region
DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2024-5-008
A statistical analysis of data characterizing the density of 137Cs contamination of agricultural lands exposed to Chernobyl fallout was carried out (using the example of the Gordeevsky district of the Bryansk region). It has been established that at the district level this value obeys a lognormal distribution law with a probability of at least 95%. Objective and subjective reasons are identified that affect the reliability of estimates of distribution parameters – the use of agrotechnical rehabilitation measures and small volumes of data samples (at the level of individual farms). It is concluded that for undisturbed agricultural lands within upland agricultural landscapes, the assumptions about the nature of the dynamics of the parameters of models designed to predict the risks of 137Cs contamination of crop and feed production products are valid. The necessity of obtaining, within the framework of a radioecological survey of contaminated territories, volumes of data sufficient for a statistically reliable assessment of the parameters of the lognormal distribution is substantiated.
Keywords: Chernobyl accident, long-term period, agricultural lands, radioactive contamination of soil, density contamination with 137Cs, lognormal distribution, statistical parameters, agrotechnical measures, data sample size, the Bryansk region.
Calculation of index of neutral balance of land degradation in the Lipetsk region as a whole and its municipal districts using standard and adapted methods
DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2024-5-009
The results of the approbation of standard and adapted methods of neutral balance of land degradation (LDN) for arable lands of the Lipetsk region are presented. The standard methodology included calculations for three main sub-indicators recommended by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification: land productivity, land cover change, and soil organic carbon content. In the study of the Lipetsk region, the base period was the period from 01.01.2001 to 31.12.2015, and the period of progress was from 01.01.2005 to 31.12.2019. When determining the LDN index by an adapted method for the Lipetsk region, regional data on the stock of organic carbon in the soil layer of 0-30 cm were added. The value of the LDN index, calculated using an adapted methodology for the Lipetsk region as a whole, is significantly higher than the values determined by the standard methodology and for the base period, as well as when comparing the base period with the period of progress. Therefore, data on the content of organic carbon in the soils of the region in a layer of 0-30 cm, «sewn» into the module «Trends.Earth», underestimated in comparison with the real results of agrochemical studies on the measurement of this indicator in soils. The values of the LDN index in municipal areas, which were determined using an adapted methodology, have a wider range of variation than when calculated using the standard methodology (both for the base period and when comparing the base period with the period of progress).
Keywords: land degradation, neutral balance, base period, period of progress, organic carbon, arable land, the Lipetsk region.
Geochemical characteristics of agricultural lands in the North-East Volga upland
DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2024-5-010
The article presents the results of a study of geochemical indicators of the soil cover of agricultural lands, as well as bottom sediments of a number of rivers in the north-east of the Volga upland, located within the typical landscapes of the Chuvash Republic. According to the materials of previously published studies and field observations, the main factors determining the geochemical background of the territory are the composition of parent materials, the intensity of erosion processes, as well as agricultural exploitation of land. The influence of industrial enterprises of the republic related to the chemical industry on the composition of the arable soil horizon is estimated as insignificant. It was revealed that the background content of lead in the arable soil horizon is 15.5 mg/kg, cadmium – 0.23, copper – 11.4, zinc – 36, nickel – 28.3 and arsenic – 2.4 mg/kg. The content of chemical elements in the rivers bottom sediments of the studied territory is determined by the composition of soils and parent materials of adjacent territories. Statistical processing of the results of the analysis of soil samples indicates a normal distribution of the studied elements, which indicates the absence of local sources of pollution in the area. The sample size for the metals, with the exception of single values of nickel content, is in the range of concentrations of Xav. ± 3σ. When studying the ecological state of soils, the urgency of the transition to a two-level system for assessing the degree of pollution was noted: the introduction of the first level, set taking into account the value of the regional (natural and anthropogenic) background, and limiting, corresponding to the accepted sanitary and hygienic standards of the MАC/ААC. The first level indicates the need to take measures to identify the source of pollution and reduce the intake of hazardous substances into the soil; the second one allows to establish the presence of pollution dangerous to biota and terrestrial ecosystems as a whole, as well as the fact of economic responsibility for harming soils as a component of the environment.
Keywords: soil pollution, heavy metals, background content of elements, rivers bottom sediments, two-level rationing system, environmental standards.
Neural network analysis of the influence of organic-microbial biopreparations on the intensity of mass accumulation and biochemical processes in marigold
DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2024-5-011
In this study the possibility of using organic-microbial fertilizers to replace traditional mineral fertilizers when growing ornamental plants of the genus Tagetes was analyzed. Using the arbuscular mycorrhiza fungus (Rhizophagus irregularis) and processed excrement of the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) as part of the organic-microbial complex was proposed. Neutralized coconut substrate was used to grow Tagetes plants. At the end of the experiment, in the flowering phase, the physiological characteristics of the buds, stems and roots of plants were determined. The chemical elemental composition of plant organs was analyzed using atomic emission spectrometry. The array of empirical data obtained during the experiment was processed using the ChemNN neural network, which calculated the indices of cognitive significance of the composition of chemical elements in different plant organs CSIfract, which made it possible to compare the intensities of mass accumulation and biochemical processes in plants in different experimental variants. The results of neural network analysis showed that separate application of zoohumus as a fertilizer had a negative effect on the intensity of biochemical processes in plant flower buds, and a positive effect on the intensity of biochemical processes in plant stems and roots. The highest values of CSIfract indices for the latter organs were noted with separate mycorrhization of plants. The intensity of biochemical processes in plant flower buds reaches its maximum value in the experiment with the combined application of zoohumus and mycorrhiza. Elemental chemical analysis of plant organs also showed that the use of organic-microbial complex affected the redistribution of three chemical elements (Fe, K, Mg) from shoots in favor of the root system, which did not affect the overall pool of accumulation of biophilic elements in inflorescences. In general, the results of the conducted study showed that when growing plants in greenhouses in multi-tiered phytoinstallations, it is permissible to use organic-microbial fertilizers based on insect excrements and inoculant of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.
Keywords: marigold, organic-microbial complex, zoohumus, Hermetia illucens, mycorrhizal fungi, profile of chemical elements in plants, computational neural network, index of cognitive significance of digital data.
Influence of biopreparation’s application on efficiency of spray dispersion and extreme weather conditions
DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2024-5-012
The article presents the results of 2-year tests of the effect of high temperatures on the viability of biological products: Trichocin, WP (fungal) and Alirin B, L. (bacterial) in the field on potatoes using ultra-low volume spraying technologies (10 l/ha) and low-volume spraying (300 l/ha). Tests in 2022 showed that at high ambient air temperatures and low relative humidity, a day after treatment, biological products of fungal and bacterial forms lose their viability, despite the high quality of the coating of the treated surface during spraying. The results of evaluating the effectiveness of a 1% composition of an adhesive (food additive – sorbitol) and an anti-vaporizer (especially pure glycerin) for addition to a working fluid with biofungicides in order to reduce the evaporation rate of droplets and increase the viability of biological products at high ambient temperatures are presented. A laboratory analysis of the effect of an anti-vaporizer and an adhesive on the growth of the mycelium Alternaria solani, was carried out. It was found that the addition of Trichocin and Alirin to biologics was 1% of the composition (glycerin + sorbitol) reduces the effect of adverse weather on biofungicide microorganisms, creating conditions for the reproduction of spores and bacteria on the treated surface, by reducing the evaporation and retention of droplets on the treated surface. This, in turn, made it possible to increase the proportion of the stored crop compared to options without an anti-evaporant solution and adhesive, so in the variants with the biopreparation Trichocin, the yield increased by 13.3-20.0 c/ha, with Alirin by 16.0-56.0 c/ha. Thus, the use of 1% of the composition (glycerin and sorbitol) in the working fluid with biological products in the field increases the effectiveness of treatments against diseases on potato plants.
Keywords: biopreparation, field treatments, biological efficiency, weather conditions, anti-evaporator, adhesive, potato, yield.
Pre-planting inoculation with endophytes as a way to manage seed productivity and quality of healthy tubers of potato
DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2024-5-013
In the conditions of the Pre-Ural steppe zone of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the effect of inoculation of hydroponically-grown healthy seed mini-tubers and seed tubers of superelite reproduction with endophytic bacteria Bacillus subtilis 10-4 on the productivity, the content of photosynthetic pigments, and the resistance of plants and tubers to diseases during the growing season and harvesting was studied. It was established that bacteria successfully colonized tubers, roots, stems, and leaves, exerting a positive effect on plant metabolism during the growing season. A comparative analysis showed that inoculation of mini-tubers and superelite with B. subtilis 10-4 ensured the laying of a larger number of tubers per bush (by 35%) compared to the control, while productivity increased by 68% and 17%, respectively. It was revealed an increase in the content of photosynthetic pigments chlorophyll (Chl) a, Chl b, and carotenoids (Car) in bacterial inoculated plants grown from mini-tubers and superelite, compared to the control in the second half of the growing season: in the germination phase, the sum of Chl a + Chl b exceeded the control by 19% and 11%; in the budding phase – by 5% and 14%; in the beginning of flowering – by 50% and 43%; and the end of flowering – by 27% and 53%, respectively. These data indicate a positive effect of inoculation on the intensity and duration of the assimilation apparatus. Pre-planting inoculation of seeds with B. subtilis reduced the prevalence of potato diseases during the growing season and harvesting: Alternaria blight by 1.5-1.8 times in the experiment with super-elite tubers and by 1.5 times with mini-tubers, silver scab by 3.5 and 3 times, dry rot (Fusarium) – 4.8 and 2.5 times, respectively. At the same time, inoculation of mini-tubers with endophytes ensured a 3-fold reduction in the species diversity of the pathogenic complex of micromycetes in tubers of the first generation, including the absence of a dangerous pathogen of the genus Fusarium.
Keywords: endophytic bacteria, Bacillus subtilis, Solanum tuberosum L., seed tuber inoculation, the Republic of Bashkortostan.
Efficiency of prospective soil and growth action herbicides in soybean crops in Belarus
DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2024-5-014
The article presents the results of exploratory research on the preparation of combinations of pre-emergence herbicide mixtures based on metribuzin and C-metolachlor and the establishment of the biological efficiency of their joint and separate application, as well as the features of protecting soybean crops. It was established that active substances metribuzin and S-metolachlor are good partners for the preparation of tank mixtures that complement each other, expand the spectrum of action and increase the duration of herbicidal activity. In addition, this combination of active substances (metribuzin + S-metolachlor) is promising for the purpose of producing a pre-emergence combined herbicide for use in soybean, lupine, pea, corn, potato and other crops. The combined post-emergence herbicide Eventus, ME was effective in soybean crops when sprayed in the phase of the 1st trifoliate leaf and late phases of annual dicotyledonous weeds. At the same time, a new hybrid method of weed control was tested for 2 years.
Keywords: soybeans, weeds, herbicides of soil and growth activity, tank mixtures, biological efficiency, hybrid method of accounting for weediness.
Study of antimicrobial activity of bacteria isolated from intestines of invertebrate animals for the purpose of searching for environmentally safe pesticides
DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2024-5-015
The work compares the spectra of antimicrobial activity of bacteria associated with soil invertebrates of different trophic groups (saprophages, phytophages, predators), in order to assess the prospects of these substrates for the isolation of bacteria – agents of biopesticides. An integral quantitative indicator of the antimicrobial activity of a microorganism determined by the agar diffusion method is proposed: the sum of the lengths of the inhibition zones (mm) in all test cultures of microorganisms. It was found that the strength of antagonism in bacterial strains isolated from the soil litter and intestines of saprophagous invertebrates is higher than that isolated from plants, intestines of phytophages and predators. It is noted that the intestines of saprophages and litter are more suitable for searching for potential bacterial components of biopesticides. It has been established that strains isolated from the intestines of saprophages and phytophages differ from strains isolated from their food substrate by greater antagonism to intestinal bacteria (Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus). Strains isolated from plants have distinctive features from strains isolated from phytophages by greater antagonism to bacteria associated with plants (Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Micrococcus luteus).
Keywords: biopesticides, bacteria, intestinal microorganisms, potatoes, rhubarb, phytophages, predators, saprophages, soil animals.