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Главный редактор: И.С. Прохоров, к.с.-х.н.

Редакция: И.И. Прохорова (директор), М.А. Королькова, Н.В. Куроптева, М.В. Царева, к.с.-х.н.

Редколлегия: А.И. Беленков, д.с.-х.н., С.Л. Белопухов, д.с.-х.н., к.х.н., Н.М. Белоус, д.с.-х.н., Т.Ю. Бортник, д.с.-х.н., И.И. Дмитревская, д.с.-х.н., Л.А. Дорожкина, д.с.-х.н., А.А. Завалин, д.с.-х.н., С.Ю. Зайцев, д.б.н., д.х.н., А.Л. Иванов, д.б.н., Л.В. Кирейчева, д.т.н., А.В. Кураков, д.б.н., С.В. Лукин, д.с.-х.н., С.М. Лукин, д.б.н., М.Г. Мустафаев, д.с.-х.н. (Азербайджан), С.М. Надежкин, д.б.н., М.М. Овчаренко, д.с.-х.н., к.х.н., А.В. Пасынков, д.б.н., Т.Ф. Персикова, д.с.-х.н. (Беларусь), О.А. Подколзин, д.с.-х.н., Т.Р. Рыспеков (Казахстан), к.с.-х.н., Н.И. Санжарова, д.б.н., В.М. Семенов, д.б.н., В.И. Титова, д.с.-х.н., П.А. Чекмарев, д.с.-х.н., О.Х. Эргашева, к.б.н. (Узбекистан)

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Soil fertility management and development of State Agrochemical Service over 60 years

DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-1-001

The role and history of the State Agrochemical Service of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia is shown, the tasks of its activities and the results of work on managing soil fertility since 1964 are considered. Materials for studying the indicators of fertility of arable soils, as well as the volume of use of fertilizers and ameliorants, which contributed to an increase in productivity of agricultural crops, are described in detail.

Keywords: soil fertility, State Agrochemical Service, agrochemical, ecological-toxicological, radiological survey, field passports.

60th anniversary of scientific-industrial agrochemical activity of State Center for Chemicalization and Agricultural Radiology «Bryanskiy»

DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-002

An analysis of the state and dynamics of agrochemical, environmental and toxicological indicators of fertility and radiological contamination of agricultural soils in the Bryansk region is presented. Long-term results of agrochemical and anti-radiation measures are presented, and an economic assessment of the use of fertilizers is also given.Over the years of activity of the agrochemical service, data on the dynamics of the structure of agricultural land in the soil cover of the Bryansk region, the content of organic matter, acidity, mobile phosphorus, exchangeable potassium, heavy metals, and pollution density are presented. It has been established that the use of humic organomineral preparations with mineral fertilizers, liming, phosphorite and potassium plating ensures a reduction in the entry of 137Cs into agricultural products, the quality of which complies with radiation safety standards.

Keywords: soil fertility, Agrochemical Service, liming, phosphoriting, Gumiton, heavy metals, fertilizers’ efficiency, radiation pollution, the Bryansk region.

Activity of agrochemical service from the Kursk zonal agrochemical laboratory to State Station for Agrochemical service «Kurskaya»

DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-003

The results of long-term research of soil fertility (1964-2024) and the results of industrial and scientific activities are presented. The criterion for the state of soil fertility assessed for 11 cycles based on the content of agrochemical indicators: humus, alkali hydrolyzable nitrogen, mobile phosphorus, exchangeable potassium, the degree of exchangeable acidity of the soil solution, mobile forms of mezo-, microelements and heavy metals in chernozems and gray forest soils region, research is being conducted on the quality of feed and chemical types of ameliorants. Soil and foliar diagnostics of winter and spring crops, development of design documentation for liming of acidic soils, as well as monitoring of prices of mineral fertilizers are carried out. The positive effect of environmentally friendly (IV class) microelement preparations of Russian production against the background of mineral fertilizers together with a tank mixture during foliar treatment of plants has been established. Data is being collected and provided to fill the Unified Federal Information System for Agricultural Lands («EFIS ZSN»).

Keywords: soil fertility, agrochemical indicators, microelement preparations, foliar treatment, soil and foliar diagnostics, liming of acidic soils, monitoring of fertilizer prices, collection of dietary supplements.

Agriculture in extreme conditions: experience and results of work of agrochemical service of the Magadan region.

DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-004

Presents is devoted to the review of activity, development of the Agrochemical Service Station «Magadanskaya» from 1965 to the present. It presents a brief history of establishment, improvement of soil fertility of lands of the Magadan region, as well as digitalization of the results obtained in the course of field work, chemical research, and monitoring of soils of agricultural lands. The purpose of the study was to determine the dynamics of soil fertility indicators of agricultural lands in the Magadan region for 1965-2023. It was established that in the second half of the twentieth century in the Magadan region there was a steady improvement of soil fertility. It was conditioned by large-scale application of mineral and organic fertilizers, as well as chemical ameliorants. As a result, in the late 1980s – early 1990s, when the area of agricultural lands reached its maximum size (39.7-42.4 thousand ha), the average weighted indicator of humus content in arable soils is 8.9%, which belongs to the V gradation group (high content), phosphorus indicator is 18.2-23.7 mg/kg, potassium 16.1-20.7 mg/kg. The comparison of the results of soil survey on the degree of acidity is also given: the number of acidic soils of the region (pH < 5.5) in compare with the initial period decreased to 49.2% (period 2005-2008), and now slowly increases, up to 65.0% in 2023, which is 18.55 thousand hectares. The weighted average content by degree of acidity on arable land is 5.4.

Keywords: agrochemical monitoring, north, soil fertility, humus, mineral fertilizers, yield.

Payback of mineral fertilizers by increasing grain harvest in the Vologda region

DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-005

A comparison of 2 methods for calculating the agronomic payback of mineral fertilizers, at the level of districts of the Vologda region in dependence of soil and climatic zone of grain cultivation is presented. Established that in modern conditions of agricultural production, the most optimal method is the payback calculation, which takes into account the contribution of agrochemical indicators of fertility of soddy-podzolic soil to increase yields in depending on the amount of mineral fertilizers applied.

Keywords: yield, payback of fertilizers, soil fertility, cereals, soddy-podzolic soils.


Prospects for the use of iodine in the fertilizer system of soddy-podzolic soils for example of potato

DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-006

The presents the results of using a wide range of potassium iodide concentrations (from 0.005 to 0.10%) in the form of a single foliar treatment on potato crop (Solanum tuberosum L., Meteor variety) in a fertilizer system on soddy-podzolic soil. The experiment was conducted at the experimental station (Menkovo, the Leningrad region) of Agrophysical Institute. In the study the positive effect of iodine on the yield and productivity of potato plants was established. The pre-sowing application of mineral fertilizers contributed to an increase in the effectiveness of iodine fertilizers. Thus, a high dose of NPK increased in the production of iodine treatments from 7.17 to 12.43 t/ha on soils of varying degrees of cultivation. The average absolute crop increases from iodine in the experiment were 0.78 t/ha for the non-fertilized variant, 4.91 and 9.95 t/ha for the NPK1 and NPK2 variants, respectively. Significant increases were obtained from KI concentrations of 0.02-0.10%, but most often the maximum increases were obtained from concentrations of 0.06 and 0.10%. When treated with a KI concentration of 0.06% on all types of soils, the height of plants in the potato flowering phase was significantly higher. The prevailing weather conditions did not contribute to the additional accumulation of iodine in potato tubers from foliar treatment. However, a correlation was found (r=-0.8) between the iodine content in potato tubers and the content of organic matter in the soil.

Keywords: iodine fertilizers, foliar treatments, potatoes, fertilizer system, soddy-podzolic soils.

pplication of Kovelos silicon fertilizer to improve herbage quality of meadow communities

DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-007

The use of silicon-containing additive as a preparation stimulating biochemical processes in the herbage of natural meadows showed an increase in forage protein (of plant origin), carotene, fiber, and crude ash. On the background of this agrochemical technique the content of crude protein increased by 3.5-4.8%, carotene – by 11.5-14.5 mg/kg, fiber – by 2.5-4.5%, crude ash – by 3.5-4.0%. The increase in these indices is especially significant for communities of hogweed – foxtail and koeleria – red fescue meadows. It is recommended to apply siliconcontaining preparation at an average dose of 80 kg/ha, although increasing the concentration also has a positive effect on the dynamics of these indicators. Kovelos application stimulated ascorbic acid accumulation in biomass irrespective of concentration. The maximum ascorbic acid content was recorded for all the three association communities in the third and fourth years of application of a silicon-containing preparation. The use of amorphous silicon dioxide in the soils of natural and artificial meadow communities of various associations makes it possible to obtain high-quality food, as is the case with the use of varying, successively increasing concentrations and doses of mineral fertilizers, which reduces the cost of agrochemical and agrotechnical measures in the meadows. In experiments on meadows of natural and artificial origin, a positive effect of silicon-containing preparation on biochemical processes in grass meadows was shown, which is explained by the fact that silicon migration inside the plant is probably carried out mainly in the form of polysilicon acid with the help of special transport enzymes that differ among species.

Keywords: reclamation, silicon-containing preparation, herbage, biochemical indicators, ascorbic acid, pro teins, fiber, carotene, ash, the Bryansk region.

Influence of leaf fertilizing on yield and quality of spring wheat grain

DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-008

The results of a study of a foliar feeding system consisting of a combination of water-soluble NPK fertilizers Aqualis of various compositions during the growing season of spring wheat against the background of soil application of nitrogen at a dose of 51 kg a.v./ha before sowing are presented. The research was carried out in Western Siberia in the northern forest-steppe of the Tyumen region in 2022-2023. Scientific and production experience was laid in the fields of the Educational and Experimental Farm of the State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals on leached chernozem. It has been established that double application of foliar fertilizers with water-soluble NPK fertilizers Aqualis helps to increase the yield to 045-0.54 t/ha, increases the gluten content by 2.0-3.5%, protein by 0.7-1.6% in absolute values relative to the option without the use of foliar fertilizers, which ensures the production of soft wheat grain corresponding to class I. Also, the use of water-soluble NPK fertilizers Aqualis provides an increase in profit by 4150-5100 rubles/ha and profitability of 15-19% in absolute terms.

Keywords: hfoliar fertilization, yield of spring wheat, grain quality, economic efficiency.


Some issues of soil geography zoning

DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-009

The scheme of soil geographical zoning (PGR) was first published in 1962 by E.N. Ivanova, P.A. Letunov, N.N. Rozov, V.M. Friedland, D.I. Shashko, S.A. Shuvalov and has not changed to date. The paper presents the following series of subordinate taxonomic units: soil-bioclimatic belt → soil-bioclimatic region → for lowland territories soil zone → soil province → soil district → soil district. However, on the maps of the PGR, in the legend to it, as well as on the maps and legends of the later Boreal soil-bioclimatic belt, in the European West Siberian region, not soil zones, but soil subzones are highlighted. At the same time, the concept of a soil subzone is not disclosed. It is not clear whether the soil subzone corresponds to the concept of a soil zone or not. This uncertainty remains in the works published at the present time, which violates the subordination of taxonomic units of soil geographical zoning (PGR). The paper proves that it is necessary, in this regard, to revise the concept of a zonal soil type, a soil zone, and for two soil-bioclimatic regions of the Boreal soil-bioclimatic belt, to allocate soil zones instead of soil subzones. A new version of the concept of soil zone, zonal soil type is also proposed.

Keywords: soil-geographical zoning, soil-bioclimatic area, soil zone, glue-podzolic soils, podzolic soils, soddy-podzolic soils, zonal soil type.

Agrochemical characteristics of zoocompost black soldier fly larvae

DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-0010

The results of biotechnology based on the ability of the black soldier fly insect larvae to transform organic substances of any origin are presented. This method of processing organic waste leads to the formation of zooprotein biomass and includes processes for reducing the volume of source material, as well as reusing waste from larval cultivation in the form of biocompost. The resulting zoo compost is a loose, non-caking, finely granulated structure in both dry and wet states, dark brown in color with a woody-earthy odor and a hint of ammonia, it contains the necessary macro- and microelements in the form of easily accessible compounds. The conducted studies show that the zoocompost of the Black Soldier Fly insect meets the quality standards established by GOST for organic fertilizers and its use is safe and effective for the soil. The proposed use of organic waste will not only reduce the anthropogenic load on the environment, but will also make it possible to obtain useful organic composts.

Keywords: agrochemical indicators, zoocompost of Black Soldier Fly, organic wastes.

Content of microelements in soils of arable slopes of the Central Chernozem Region and their use by winter wheat

DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-0011

The material of long-term research (2004-2016) on the content of mobile forms of microelements (copper, zinc, manganese) in the studied soils in the Medvensky district of the Kursk region is presented. The research was carried out on the basis of the laboratory of agrochemistry and agroecological monitoring of the Federal Agricultural Research Center in a multifactorial field experiment on various relief exposures. It has been established that arable soils have an unequal supply of microelements. Less supplied with microelements were the more eroded soils of the southern slope, where intense snowmelt is observed, resulting in a more rapid leaching of nutrients from the soil (including microelements). In addition, the soils of this area are subject to greater erosion compared to other studied exposures. It was also found that the studied soils have a deficiency of elements such as copper and zinc, and the content of mobile manganese is average. Calculation of the coefficient of use of microelements indicates that the use of mobile forms of copper, zinc and manganese by winter wheat plants at different exposures has differences. Greater consumption of copper and zinc by winter wheat was noted on the northern slope, and manganese – on the southern slope.

Keywords: soil, slope exposure, trace elements, copper, zinc, manganese, winter wheat, utilization rate.

Influence of poultry manure on some properties of soil

DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-0012

The influence of using poultry manure on agrochemical and microbiological soil indicators has been studied. The results of the comparative analysis revealed a significant increase in the content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) in the soil. Thus, the mass fraction of mobile potassium in the control variant increased by 2.0 times, when adding 100 t/ha of poultry manure – by 1.2 times, and when adding 100 t/ha of poultry manure in combination with Mephosphon – by 1.6 times. The mass fraction of available phosphorus in the control variant remained unchanged after harvesting and amounted to 86 mg/kg, but when 100 t/ha of poultry manure was added, it decreased by 3.2 times, and the version with poultry manure and Mephosphon showed a decrease of 1.4 times. The agrochemical indicators of the soil were compared on 08/07/2020 (before sowing) and 08/12/2021 (after harvesting). This may be due to the processes of phosphorus fixation in the soil and its inaccessibility to plants. The content of alkali hydrolyzable nitrogen in the control decreased by 1.2 times, which may be associated with the processes of denitrification or ammonification. This indicates a positive effect of poultry manure and Mephosphon on the nitrogen content in the soil by improving its availability to plants.

Keywords: soil, poultry manure, agrochemical and microbiological characteristics.

Assessment of the Western field of the Ecological experimental plot of the Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University

DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-0013

Based on the study of the ecological condition of urbanized soddy-podzolic soil on moraine sediments, several key conclusions are made. 1. The soil has a near neutral reaction, although the values of exchangeable acidity, phosphorus, humus and nitrate content are at an average level. However, the level of exchangeable ammonium and mobile forms of phosphorus exceeds the normal values; the content of heavy metals in the soil does not exceed the maximum permissible norms, and mobile forms are within safe limits. 2. Landscape analysis shows the presence of a variety of terrestrial vegetation, including Spreading Swan, Curly Sorrel, Large Plantain. The nearby Zhabenka river is characterized by high water hardness and low ammonium nitrogen content, which is important for biodiversity protection. 3. Special attention was paid to studying the growth of seedlings of Purple Willow Nana variety. A high percentage of tree survival was found. 4. The results obtained have the potential to be used for a deeper analysis of the ecological state of the region and development of effective measures for nature conservation at this site.

Keywords: soil, soil environmental reaction, exchangeable acidity, phosphorus, humus, nitrates, ammonium heavy metals, biodiversity, purple willow, survival rate, conservation, landscape.


Productivity of spring wheat depending on application of plant protection products

DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-0014

The results of the development of modern technology for cultivating spring wheat Ekada 109 using a tank mixture of a complex of plant protection products are presented. The studies were conducted in 2019-2021 at the Chishminsky plant breeding center of the Bashkir Research Institute of Agriculture UFRC of the RAS, located in the Pre-Ural steppe of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The following options were studied on experimental plots: – without treatment (control); – seed treatment with Scarlet product (0.35 l/t); – seed treatment with the biological preparation Fitosporin AS (1 l/t); – seed treatment with Fitosporin AS (1 l/t) + Scarlet (0.35 l/t). When using a tank mixture of biological and chemical fungicides, the structure of the crop improved, which led to an increase in the yield of spring wheat. The use of plant protection products and biological products made it possible to increase the productive bushiness of plants from 359 to 413 pcs/m2, to increase the number of grains in an ear from 14.8 to 18.3 pcs. and weight of 1000 grains from 31.7 to 34.9 g, reduce the development of root rot and leaf diseases, which contributed to an increase in grain yield by 29%. When using chemical plant protection products Scarlet, the grain yield was 23.6 c/ha, Fitosporin AS – 22.8 c/ha, integrated plant protection using a complex of drugs (Fitosporin AS + Scarlet) contributed to the formation of the highest grain yield – 25,2 c/ha, where the increase in grain yield compared to the control was 5.7 c/ha.

Keywords: spring wheat, plant protection, biofungicide, chemical preparations, harvest, quality.

Economic and biological efficiency of autumn processing of potato tubers

DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-0015

The article presents experimental data on the effect of autumn treatment of seed potato with chemical and biological preparations on overall yield losses, the incidence of tubers with diseases and the increase in yield in the aftereffect. The inclusion of autumn treatment with the biological preparation Kartofin (Bacillus subtilis strain I5- 12/23) into the technology for long-term storage of seed potato ensured a reduction in the number of diseaseaffected tubers compared to the control by 3.2%, while the total weight loss of tubers decreased by 5.1%. Treatment of tubers with chemical preparations Kagatnik (triethanolamine salt of benzoic acid 300 g/l), Sinclair (fludioxonil 75 g/l), Imikar (imidacloprid 280 g/l + thiabendazole 80 g/l), Maxim (fludioxonil, 25 g/l) reduced the number of diseased tubers after the storage period by an average of 2.7; 3.8; 2.9 and 3.7%; the total weight loss of tubers decreased respectively by 1.7; 6.0; 4.5 and 4.6%. Treatment of seed tubers with Kartofin, Kagatnik, Imikar, Sinclair, Maxim increased the yield in the next season by 4.2; 4.1; 5.7; 8.5 and 5.1 t/ha and reduced the development of rhizoctoniosis respectively by 3.5; 6.3; 9.5; 8.7 and 9.5%. In the spring, after a storage period, pure cultures of phytopathogenic fungi were isolated from the affected tubers. Analysis of the susceptibility of pure cultures of phytopathogenic fungi to fungicides showed that the studied strains of Fusarium oxysporum, F. solani, Plectosphaerella cucumerina, Colletotrichum coccodes, Clonostachys solani were generally susceptible to benzoic acid and fludioxonil. Increased resistance to benzoic acid has been observed in C. coccodes; high susceptibility to fludioxonil – in F. solani and C. solani. Helminthosporium solani strains isolated after a storage period from tubers treated with a thiabendazole-containing preparation before storage turned out to be highly resistant to thiabendazole and had a resistance mutation in codon 198 of the beta-tubulin gene. At the same time, strains isolated from other variants of the experiment were highly susceptible to thiabendazole. The information obtained indicates a high probability of the emergence of mutant strains of H. solani resistant to thiabendazole during storage of tubers treated with this fungicide. The results obtained show that the effect of protective and stimulating substances used to treat tubers before storage allows to reducan increase in the yield of tubers and their quality in the aftereffect.

Keywords: potato, potato storage, fungicides, biofungicides, treatment of potato tubers with fungicides.


Respiration intensity of chernozem soils under winter wheat crops with different doses of mineral fertilizers

DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-0016

The results of assessing the respiration of chernozem soils under winter wheat crops in areas with different doses of mineral fertilizers are presented. It has been established that the use of mineral fertilizers increases СО2 emissions by 2-350% compared to control options. The relationship between soil respiration and NPK is nonlinear; the maximum value of СО2 emission corresponds to the level of 1.37 х N50P50K50. A group of factors: fertilizers, phenophase, temperature at a depth of 5 cm and soil moisture in the arable layer by 67-96% determine the dispersion of soil respiration under winter wheat crops during the growing season. The content of microbial carbon in the soil in the control was 22% higher than in the fertilized variant.

Keywords: soil СО2 emissions, mineral fertilizers, winter wheat, chernozems.

Temperature regime formation into soddy-podzolic soil profile under phlox plantations in condition of the Altai Pre-Obye

DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-0017

The results of a study of the distribution of temperature and humidity in the soil profile under phlox plantations variety Rumyanets gerdy (Blush girl) on the territory of the Siberian Horticulture Research Institute named after M.A. Lisavenko. The object of research was soddy-podzolic light loamy soil, it’s temperature was measured using programmable sensors every three hours at depths of 0, 25, 50 and 100 cm year-round. Knowledge of thermal conductivity and temperature distribution at depths of 0 and 25 cm made it possible to calculate heat flows at one o'clock in the afternoon, from autumn to May. The heat flow on October 20 was zero. This means that there is no heat transfer through layer of soil 0-25 cm. Then the heat flow decreased and found itself in the zone of negative values. This indicates that the deeper layers of the soil had an increased temperature relative to its surface.

Keywords: soddy-podzolic soil, flower crops, phlox, temperature, sum of temperatures, thermal conductivity, heat flow.

Content of mobile phosphorus and exchangeable potassium under soybeans in various methods of basic tillag

DOI 10.24412/1029-2551-2024-3-0018

The results of studies of the content of mobile phosphorus and total potassium under soybeans, depending on the methods of basic tillage, in 2020-2022 in the soil and climatic conditions of the south-east of the Tula region are presented. Three methods of basic tillage were studied: plowing (control) to a depth of 22-24 cm, smooth loosening to a depth of 22-24 cm, disking to a depth of 16-18 cm. The amount of P2O5 and K2O in the soil was determined in soil layers from 0-10 cm to 90-100 cm. Soybeans of the ultra-ripe Bara variety were grown according to the predecessor of winter wheat. It was found that the methods of basic tillage and prevailing meteorological conditions significantly affect the amount of mobile phosphorus and exchangeable potassium under soybeans. By the end of the vegetative period, the phosphorus level was different depending on the humidification conditions: with a lack of moisture, it mostly did not change, but with an excess, it increased significantly in all variants. The amount of potassium in the soil decreased from the beginning to the end of the growing season.

Кeywords: soybeans, basic tillage of soil, plowing, non-dumping loosening, disking, mobile phosphorus, exchangeable potassium, arable layer, humus-accumulative layer, illuvial layer.