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Главный редактор: И.С. Прохоров, к.с.-х.н.
Редакция: И.И. Прохорова (директор), М.А. Королькова, Н.В. Куроптева, М.В. Царева, к.с.-х.н.
Редколлегия: А.И. Беленков, д.с.-х.н., С.Л. Белопухов, д.с.-х.н., к.х.н., Н.М. Белоус, д.с.-х.н., Т.Ю. Бортник, д.с.-х.н., И.И. Дмитревская, д.с.-х.н., Л.А. Дорожкина, д.с.-х.н., А.А. Завалин, д.с.-х.н., С.Ю. Зайцев, д.б.н., д.х.н., А.Л. Иванов, д.б.н., Л.В. Кирейчева, д.т.н., А.В. Кураков, д.б.н., С.В. Лукин, д.с.-х.н., С.М. Лукин, д.б.н., М.Г. Мустафаев, д.с.-х.н. (Азербайджан), С.М. Надежкин, д.б.н., М.М. Овчаренко, д.с.-х.н., к.х.н., А.В. Пасынков, д.б.н., Т.Ф. Персикова, д.с.-х.н. (Беларусь), О.А. Подколзин, д.с.-х.н., Т.Р. Рыспеков (Казахстан), к.с.-х.н., Н.И. Санжарова, д.б.н., В.М. Семенов, д.б.н., В.И. Титова, д.с.-х.н., П.А. Чекмарев, д.с.-х.н., О.Х. Эргашева, к.б.н. (Узбекистан)
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Журнал зарегистрирован в Министерстве печати и информации Российской Федерации 29 апреля 1997 г.
Свидетельство № 011095.
2023 / Issue 6
Soil agrochemical assessment of reclaimed agricultural landscapes in the area affected by motor transport
DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-6-001
In our study, an assessment of the state of reclaimed agricultural landscapes under the influence of emissions from road transport was carried out. This assessment was carried out according to the main agrochemical indicators. In the zone under the influence of pollution, there was a gradient change in these indicators, which are associated with man-made emissions. Despite the typical regressive-accumulative distribution of the main plant nutrients along the soil profile, the transformation of the soils of roadside plots was detected. The transformation consisted in a lateral change in the content of mobile phosphorus and potassium. Indicators determining the absorption capacity of the soil were characterized by increased values. In addition, a gradient dependence on the source of polluting emissions was found in the arable horizon. Due to the organized drainage, the slightly acidic reaction of the soil solution, as well as due to excessive humidification of the atmosphere, which is characteristic of the north-western region of Russia, there is a danger of migration of pollutants. Because of this, local reservoirs and rivers are polluted.
Keywords: aerotechnogenic impact, soddy-podzolic soil, agrochemical indicators, road transport, the Republic of Karelia.
Influence of long-term irrigation using pig farm waste water on soil contamination with nitrogen compounds
DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-6-002
The purpose of the research is to identify the influence of long-term irrigation using pig farm waste water on nitrogen contamination in soddy-podzolic loamy soil. Allotment experiments were carried out on the irrigation system of the breeding and hybrid center «Zadneprovsky» in the Orsha district of the Vitebsk region of the Republic of Belarus in 2002-2004 and in 2017. Irrigation with pig farm waste water at nitrogen application: 200, 300 and 400 kg/ha during the growing season was carried out on plots in 4-fold repetition. During research, it was shown that the rate of nitrogen from livestock effluents, its content in the soil, in the pea-oat mixture and removal outside the arable layer had disproportionate dependence. The most favorable rate total nitrogen introduction at the pea-oat mixture crops cultivation is 300 kg/ha. Yield increased by 10% for the standard quality forage and nitrogen migration outside the arable layer reduced by 8-40%. In addition, irrigation using waste water contributed to a decrease in soil acidity increased from 5,4 to 6,8 during the period of operation, which favorably affected the agrochemical properties of the soil.
Keywords: pig farm waste water, soddy-podzolic soil, total nitrogen, mineral fertilizers, pea-oat mixture.
Influence of zeolite, enriched with amino acids, on nutritional regime of typi- cal chernozem and millet yields in the Middle Volga region
DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-6-003
The results of studying the efficiency of zeolite enriched with amino acids as a fertilizer for millet when cultivated on typical chernozem are considered. A significant improvement in the nutritional regime of the soil was established when applying zeolite and fertilizers based on it: the content of mineral nitrogen in the arable layer increased by 10.6-15.5 mg/kg, mobile phosphorus - by 4-47 mg/kg, mobile potassium - by 3-26 mg/kg, water-soluble silicon - by 5.8-10.9 mg/kg of soil. The use of zeolite and fertilizer based on it, when applied to the soil in doses of 250 and 500 kg/ha, contributed to an increase in millet grain yield by 0.32-0.51 t/ha, respectively. Fertilizer based on zeolite, obtained by enriching it with amino acids, when used in the same doses, provided an increase in yield of 0.74 and 0.85 t/ha. The highest yield of millet grain was formed with the combined use of zeolite, including one enriched with amino acids, with nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer (4.17-4.29 t/ha). The increase in yield was 1.03-1.45 t/ha.
Keywords: zeolite, amino acids, soil, millet, yield.
Influence of mineral fertilizers at background of aftereffect of lime on productivity of perennial grasses in conditions of the Republic of Komi
DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-6-004
Long-term scientific studies (2000-2022) on the effectiveness of mineral fertilizers (N60P75K75) against the background of the aftereffect of two doses of lime (1.0 and 2.0 h.a.) were carried out in a stationary field experiment, established in 1983 on a soddy-podzolic medium loamy soil of the European North. In the experiment, a legume-grass mixture was cultivated (red clover, meadow timothy grass and cocksfoot). The aftereffect of two doses of lime, without the introduction of NPK, reduced the exchangeable acidity of soddy-podzolic soil until 2012 (4.2-4.3 pH units), in subsequent years of research, soil acidity increased. Hydrolytic acidity decreased according to the variants of the experiment. A similar pattern was also noted in the variants of NPK application against the background of lime aftereffect. The content of humus, mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium in the variants with two doses of lime and the use of only NPK changed to a small extent. The use of NPK against the background of aftereffect of lime contributed to a significant increase in the yield of perennial grasses and their quality. In our opinion, the best method for cultivating perennial legume-grass mixtures is the use of NPK against the background of aftereffect of lime (2.0 h.a.) on acidic soddy-podzolic soils. With this ratio of agrochemicals, the maximum average yield of perennial grasses was obtained and amounted to 5.8 t/ha of dry matter, 87.1% higher than the control (in the control 3.1 t/ha of dry matter) with high quality.
Keywords: soil, lime, mineral fertilizers, grass mixtures, acidity, productivity, humus, crude protein.
Efficiency of using Epin Plus in growing spring wheat on soddy-podzolic soil
DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-6-005
A study of the effect of a new organomineral fertilizer Epin Plus on spring wheat in the conditions of field experience on the territory of the Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University (RSAU-MTAA) was conducted. Epin Plus contains a complex of substances: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, boron, folic acids, 24-epibrassinolide. As a comparison of the effectiveness of Epin Plus on spring wheat, the drug Epin-Extra was used, the active ingredient of which is 24-epibrassinolide. The field experiment was conducted on sod-podzolic soil, according to the agrochemical survey, only nitrogen fertilizers were needed for growing grain crops. Therefore, ammonium nitrate at a dose of 60 kg/ha was introduced before sowing on experimental plots (background). It was found that the highest grain yield was in the variant with Epin Plus (70 ml/ha), which was 28.6% higher relative to the control. On the plots of Epin Plus (70 ml/ha), grain yield was 21.7% higher relative to the fertilization option (background), 12.2% relative to the Epin-Extra option (50 ml/ha), 22% relative to the Epin Plus option (50 ml/ha) and 20.2% relative to the option Epin Plus (100 ml/ha). in the control, the protein content in the grain was 12.9% (grain class 3), and in the Epin Plus variant (70 ml/ha) – 15.8% (grain class 1). The gluten content in the grain in all variants was high, in the variants Epin-Extra (50 ml/ha) and Epin Plus (70 ml/ha) was 33.50-35.80%, which corresponds to the 1st class of grain, in the remaining variants 30.5-31.95% of the 2nd class of grain. The use of Epin-Extra (50 ml/ha) and Epin Plus (70 ml/ha) contributed to an increase in prolamines by 8.04-10.05% and glutelins by 4.75-7.0% relative to the control; in other variants it increased by 1.50-1.95% and 2.50-3.60%, respectively.
Keywords: wheat, Epin-Extra, Epin Plus, mineral fertilizers, grain yield, chemical composition of grain.
Dynamics and features of 137Cs accumulation in forage lands grass in the northern part of the forest-steppe zone
DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-6-006
The analysis of the results of long-term field studies is carried out and the dynamics of 137Cs transition to the grass of radioactively contaminated fodder lands of the Tula and Orel regions is assessed. A slow process of reducing 137Cs migration to plants from the main types of soils was revealed. A leveling of differences in radionuclide accumulation by plants of natural and improved forage lands over a 30-year observation period has been established. 137Cs accumulation by legumes is 2.0-4.7 times higher compared to cereals. Light-gray forest soils are characterized by the largest size of radionuclide transition to the herbage, and the minimum – chernozem and dark-gray forest soils.
Keywords: 137Cs, migration of radionuclides, soils, forage lands, root and surface improvement of lands, counter measures.
Assessment of risks of radioactive contamination of agricultural products for territories with landscape features
DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-6-007
On the territory of the agricultural enterprise with distinct landscape features of Tula Scientific-Research Institute for Agriculture, which was affected by the Chernobyl fallout, four categories of conditionally homogeneous land were identified based on landscape and radioecological characteristics. It has been established that within each category of land, the distribution of soil contamination density of 137Cs follows a lognormal law. The parameters of the lognormal distribution for the contamination density of 137Cs and the accumulation coefficients of this radionuclide in feed and crop products have been determined. It has been shown that currently, the risks of contamination of agricultural products obtained from lands classified as both plain and erosion-accumulative elements of agricultural landscapes do not exceed 1%. Scenario studies have been conducted, in which levels of soil contamination significant in terms of the entry of radionuclides into agricultural products were specified. It has been established that erosion-accumulative elements of the landscape are «critical» in terms of the risk of exceeding the standard for feed production compared to plain areas.
Keywords: Chernobyl accident, 137Cs, plain and erosion-accumulative agricultural landscapes, soil contamination density, accumulation coefficient in plants, lognormal distribution, statistical models, risk of exceeding standards, recovery time, the Tula region.
Efficiency of mineral fertilizers action in surface improvement of radioactively contaminated meadow of central floodplain
DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-6-008
The influence of mineral fertilizers of various degrees of saturation (NPK) on the productivity of natural and sown herbage of perennial bluegrass grasses in a radioactively contaminated area of the meadow of the central floodplain of the Desna River in the Bryansk region was studied. The highest hay yields of perennial grasses of the first and second cuts was obtained in the variant with the use of surface improvement against the background of the application of mineral fertilizer at a dose of N45P60K75 for the first cut and N45K75 for the second cut. Under the influence of mineral fertilizers, an improvement in the biochemical and elemental composition of the feed was noted, the specific activity of cesium-137 in the hay yield of grass mixtures is below the established sanitary and hygienic standard (VP 13.5 13/06-01).
Keywords: perennial grasses, floodplain, surface improvement, mineral fertilizers, productivity, quality, cesium-137, the Bryansk region.
Assimilation of 15n by sugar beet from organic and mineral nitrogen fertilizers
DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-6-009
The use of 15N sugar beet and nitrogen fluxes in typical chernozem when using urea and biomass of white mustard as fertilizer was evaluated. Established that sugar beet use 40% urea nitrogen and 32% mustard biomass nitrogen. The introduction of urea increases the use of mustard nitrogen by plants, and the use of mustard biomass reduces its assimilation from fertilizer. Nitrogen of mustard biomass is immobilized in the soil by half of the applied dose, when urea is applied, the immobilization of 15N mustard biomass decreases and mineralization increases, leading to an increase in gaseous losses, which are less when applying biomass. Application of urea increases the loss of mustard nitrogen and soil nitrogen. The agrophytocenosis of sugar beet functions under an acceptable nitrogen regime, improving its stability is obtained. Under influence of nitrogen mineral fertilizer, it ensures formation of maximum biomass of sugar beet, and addition of mustard biomass reduces efficiency of urea use. When applying nitrogen-containing fertilizers, sugar content in root crops decreases, while it is more significant in terms of urea.
Keywords: nitrogen isotope 15N, nitrogen of fertilizers and soils, nitrogen accumulation, nitrogen fluxes, stability.
Application of organ-containing wastes from fish farming enterprises as fertilizing preparations
DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-6-010
The materials on the influence of organ-containing waste from fish farming enterprises on the yield of cereal grass mixtures (Reed fescue of the Grande 2 variety (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) and Pasture Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) of the Prana variety) grown in the conditions of vegetation experience on sod-podzolic soil are presented. As a result of two years of research, it was found that the introduction of these organic waste into the soil led to a significant increase in the yield of cereal grasses relative to the control. The greatest increase in the yield of green mass was provided by the maximum dose of the studied organic waste and complete mineral fertilizer. However, in the aftereffect, by the second mowing, organic fertilizers had a greater positive effect compared to mineral NPK. Agrochemical analysis proves that waste used as fertilizers increases the content of available nutrients in the soil and increases the content of organic matter.
Keywords: organic waste, soddy-podzolic soil, nutrients, soil-biotic complex, grass biomass, yield.
Improving of soybean protection system against diseases by biofungicides
DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-6-011
The results of studies to determine the biological effectiveness of the biofungicide Vitaplan, SP, created on the basis of two strains of bacteria (titer 1010 CFU/g Bacillus subtilis strain VKM V-2604D + 10^10 CFU/g Bacillus subtilis strain VKM V-2605D) are presented. The drug is used to protect soybeans from peronosporosis. The work was carried out during the growing season of 2021 and 2022 on the field of the Agrobiotechnology Research Center in the Shebekinsky district of the Belgorod region. The article gives the biological effectiveness of this studied biofungicide in comparison with the standard – the chemical fungicide Baly, KME. Despite the fact that the chemical fungicide as a reference showed a biological efficiency of 73.6%, which is higher than that of the studied biofungicide Vitaplan, SP (66.5%), it can be concluded that it is expedient to conduct registration trials of this drug to protect soybeans from peronosporosis. To reduce the level of soil phytopathogenic infection and decomposition of plant residues after the predecessor, in the experimental variants, the soil biological fungicide Sternifag, SP (1010 CFU/g Trichoderma harzianum strain VKM F-4099D) was used as a background. On the basis of the experimental data obtained, it was established that when using the biofungicide Vitaplan, SP against the background of the autumn application of the soil biological fungicide Sternifag, SP, an increase in the yield of soybean crops is provided, compared with the options without the use of Sternifag, SP.
Keywords: soybean, biofungicide, downy mildew, biological effectiveness, integrated protection system, the Belgorod region.
Efficacy of prometryn and metribuzin treatments against weeds in carrot
DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-6-012
The single use of pre-emergence herbicides based on prometryn, clomazone and pendimethalin often does not ensure carrot free of weeds during growing season, which requires additional spraying. Small-plot field trials were carried out in Moscow, Saratov and Astrakhan regions in 2016 and 2017. The aim is to evaluate the efficacy of prometryn (Gesagard SC – 500 g/L; PRE) and metribuzin (Zencor Ultra SC – 600 g/L; POST) against annual dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous weeds in carrot. Efficacy of sequential application of prometryn and metribuzin against Chenopodium album, Amaranthus retroflexus and Setaria glauca reached 96-100%, while efficacy of single use these herbicides was less than 92%. Efficacy of sequential application of prometryn and metribuzin against Polygonum persicaria had more than a twofold advantage over efficacy of single use these herbicides. In most experiments yield of carrots in the variants with sequential application of herbicides were higher than yield in the variants with single application of herbicides.
Keywords: carrot, weeds, herbicide, efficacy, metribuzin, prometryn.
Ameliorative farming in the Republic of Tatarstan under conditions of increasing climate aridity
DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-6-013
This review article presents agrometeorological data for 1900-2021. The tendency of climate aridity growth in the Republic of Tatarstan is revealed. Modern conditions of reclamation industry development and factors affecting it are analyzed. The economic efficiency of irrigation of key crops for the republic with sprinkling machines of domestic production and conditions of their purchase is estimated. It is established that irrigation allows to get additional gross output of potatoes for 286000 rub/ha, spring wheat – for 34200 rub., corn for silage – for 52400 rub., barley – for 22400 rub., rape – for 33000 rub. In the Republic under irrigation are slightly less than 1.5% of the arable land area, they produce up to 18% of crop production in the Republic, which certainly indicates a high degree of its efficiency. The natural and climatic potential of the Republic was studied, which allows to bring the scale of irrigation reclamation up to 400000 ha, while to guarantee the needs of the Republic in foodstuffs of own production it is necessary to bring the volume of irrigated lands up to 150000 ha. Proven high efficiency and measures of state support unfortunately do not provide introduction of reclamation measures in production activity of agrarian business entities to a proper extent due to the need for preliminary overly bureaucratized survey works for obtaining design and estimate documentation. Scientifically grounded measures of reclamation industry development are proposed, contributing to the preservation and restoration of soil fertility, water resources, reducing the loss of agricultural land area, multiple increase in economic efficiency of agricultural production.
Keywords: ameliorative farming, aridity of climate, soil fertility, efficiency of agricultural production.
Analysis of the impact of agricultural application of fertilizers on the balance of basic nutrition elements and sustainability of agriculture in the Netherland
DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-6-014
This work is devoted to the analysis of the impact of agricultural application of fertilizers on the balance of macronutrients and the sustainability of agriculture in the Netherlands. It has been established that due to a number of environmental problems caused by excessive fertilization, the Government of the Netherlands is pursuing a policy to optimize the use of plant chemicals. The Netherlands is actively developing and implementing innovative technologies aimed at optimal use of fertilizers. The use of precision farming methods and biotechnologies makes it possible to reduce their losses and minimize the negative impact on soil and water resources. This approach helps to preserve biological diversity and reduce the negative impact on the environment. The results of the Dutch policy in the field of fertilizers are also noticeable in economic terms. Thanks to the efficient use of fertilizers and sustainable agriculture, the country achieves high levels of yield and product quality. This makes it possible to satisfy domestic demand for food products and export them to the international market, leading to economic growth and strengthening the position of the Netherlands in the agricultural sector.
Keywords: sustainable agriculture, fertilizers, balance of plant nutrition elements.
Carbon reserve in plant compound and soil at different stages of succession of agrosteppes’ communities on example of the Kulikovo field
DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-6-015
The results of studying the plant communities of the agrosteppes of the Kulikovo Field Museum-Reserve are presented. The results of vegetation classification allowed us to identify three associations at different stages of successional development. With the succession of agrosteppes, there is a decrease in phytomass reserves, which is accompanied by a decrease in the total carbon stock in the plant matter of the agrosteppes communities, but an increase in its content in the soil.
Keywords: agrosteppes, Kulikovo field, carbon reserves, recovery.
Agroecological assessment estimation of potential of old-arable lands use with application of IT-technologies based on DSS
DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-6-016
Presentation of use of a decision support system (DSS) for the purpose of automated agroecological assessment of old arable lands in comparison with the agroecological classification of soil cover based on standard agrochemical characteristics. The results show the rationality of using DSS, as well as the increased agroecological potential of the analyzed old arable field. Calculations made it possible to identify limiting soil-ecological parameters, such as insufficient content of mobile forms of phosphorus and the density of the arable soil horizon, as well as to calculate the soil-ecological quality rating both for the entire field and for a regular hectare grid. Research was conducted during 2017-2023 at special field of JSC «Bashmakovskiy khleb» in the Bashmakovskiy district of the Penza region.
Keywords: automated assessment, agroecological potential, DSS.
Academician V.R. Williams and his contribution to genetic and agronomic soil science
DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-6-017
The article dedicated to 160th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding scientist Vasiliy Robertovich Williams, it widely presents his contribution to the development of not only domestic soil science, but also world soil science. History does not know of any other major soil scientist whose teachings would cause as many discussions and opposing judgments as the teachings of V.R. Williams.
Keywords: scientist, soil scientist, science, theory and practice of agriculture.