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Главный редактор: И.С. Прохоров, к.с.-х.н.

Редакция: И.И. Прохорова (директор), М.А. Королькова, Н.В. Куроптева, М.В. Царева, к.с.-х.н.

Редколлегия: А.И. Беленков, д.с.-х.н., С.Л. Белопухов, д.с.-х.н., к.х.н., Н.М. Белоус, д.с.-х.н., Т.Ю. Бортник, д.с.-х.н., И.И. Дмитревская, д.с.-х.н., Л.А. Дорожкина, д.с.-х.н., А.А. Завалин, д.с.-х.н., С.Ю. Зайцев, д.б.н., д.х.н., А.Л. Иванов, д.б.н., Л.В. Кирейчева, д.т.н., А.В. Кураков, д.б.н., С.В. Лукин, д.с.-х.н., С.М. Лукин, д.б.н., М.Г. Мустафаев, д.с.-х.н. (Азербайджан), С.М. Надежкин, д.б.н., М.М. Овчаренко, д.с.-х.н., к.х.н., А.В. Пасынков, д.б.н., Т.Ф. Персикова, д.с.-х.н. (Беларусь), О.А. Подколзин, д.с.-х.н., Т.Р. Рыспеков (Казахстан), к.с.-х.н., Н.И. Санжарова, д.б.н., В.М. Семенов, д.б.н., В.И. Титова, д.с.-х.н., П.А. Чекмарев, д.с.-х.н., О.Х. Эргашева, к.б.н. (Узбекистан)

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Fertilization of spring wheat by employed steam on gray forest soils of the Vladimir Opolye

DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-001

In a long-term stationary experiment on gray forest soils of the Vladimir Opolye, the effect of doses of mineral and organic fertilizers and their combination on the yield of spring wheat grain coming after a busy steam (annual grasses) was studied. It was found that, on average, over 4 years of research, the use of litter manure of cattle provided an increase in its yield by 28.7%, ammonium nitrate nitrogen – by 65.7-68.9%. From a single dose of N40P40K40, the highest yield increase was obtained from 1 kg a.s. (8.9 kg grain/kg a.s.). In two acutely arid years, it varied from 3.0 to 4.5 kg grain/kg a.s., in favorable humidification – from 13.4 to 14.6. During the years of research, a close relationship was established between the yield of spring wheat (0.92 > R2 > 0.60) and the reserves of nitrate nitrogen in the soil layer of 0-40 cm during the germination phase of the crop. The established relationships and dynamics of nitrate and ammonium nitrogen reserves in the 0-40 cm soil layer testified to the decisive role of N-NO3 in nitrogen nutrition of the crop. Based on the removal of nitrogen by grain and straw, crop-root residues and the dynamics of N-NO3 reserves, the sizes of N-NO3 formation during the growing season and its individual periods are calculated; the utilization coefficients of N-NO3 formed during the growing season by elements of the spring wheat crop. With high doses of manure and NPK, the use of N-NO3 reserves accumulated during the growing season decreased.

Keywords: gray forest soils, Vladimir Opolye, spring wheat after a busy steam, fertilizers, nitrate and ammonium nitrogen, formation of N-NO3 during the growing season, the coefficients of use of N-NO3.

Influence of agro-backgrounds with different degrees of biologization on yield and quality of potato in arid years

DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-002

Results of research of influence of agricultural backgrounds with different degrees of biologization during arid years are presented. Established that green manure plowed in autumn, due to the insufficient degree of decomposition, did not increase the yield. Used for faster decomposition of green manure, the «Urozhay × 2» biodestructor increased only the overgrown, ugly, non-marketable part of the crop by a significant amount, due to the fact that soil nitrate nitrogen became available only by the end of the growing season. An excess of nitrogen by the end of the growing season had a negative effect on the keeping quality and quality of the potato crop. Keeping quality deteriorated in the variant with green manure and biodestructor by 3% in weight relation to the control. The content of nitrates in all variants of the experiment was higher than the MPC. Thus, the dry summer makes its own adjustments to the efficiency of the use of mineral, organomineral and green manure fertilizers, reducing their availability for plants.

Keywords: biologization, agricultural backgrounds, organomineral fertilizers, green manure, nitrate nitrogen, nitrates, microbiota, the Kostroma region.

Influence of long-term use of mineral fertilizers on lesion of potato tubers with rhizoctoniosis under conditions of the North-West of Russia

DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-003

The determined the effect of long-term use of complete mineral fertilizer on the development of potato tubers rhizoctoniosis in different conditions of moisture availability of plantings and the degree of contamination of planting material in the North-West of Russia. The most severe damage to potato tubers by rhizoctoniosis was noted in a situation of increased moisture at the final stage of potato vegetation in combination with high rates of rhizoctoniosis of the planting material. The decrease in the intensity of the lesion of potato tubers with rhizoctoniosis in comparison with the non-fertilized control, depending on the variety, amounted to 24-26% on the medium-fermented and 34-43% on the highly-fermented versions of the experiment. A higher variability of this indicator in the experiment was characterized by the effect of fertilizers on the manifestation of the disease when using planting material with an average degree of damage to the planting material (41-46%), while a high degree led to a decrease in the protective effect to 10-30%. The influence of the variety on the development of rhizoctoniosis of potato tubers turned out to be statistically unreliable, in contrast to the factor of the degree of infestation of the planting material, which causes the possibility of reducing the development of the pathogen in the crop to the level corresponding to the requirements of GOST. The high background of mineral nutrition contributed to a significant decrease (by 76.6%) in the yield of the proportion of tubers with a lesion area of 3 points with an average lesion of planting material, as well as the proportion of highly infected tubers (5 points or more) with a high (by 63%) and average (93.5%) degree of lesion of planting material. Average doses of fertilizer application with an average degree of infestation of planting material reduced this indicator to a level comparable to a highly fertilized background, whereas with a strong infestation of planting tubers, they were characterized by reduced efficiency. When using planting material with an average degree of rhizoctoniosis lesion, the economic effect was 12.1-13.2 c/ha (5.7-7.2% of the preserved crop), whereas the use of severely affected planting material, even in the variant with high doses of complete mineral fertilizer, did not provide an economic effect by reducing the manifestation of this disease in the crop.

Keywords: potatoes, mineral fertilizers, potato rhizoctoniosis, infestation of planting material, intensity of tubers lesion.

Influence of humic preparations on development of diseases and pests of barley and clover cultivated on agro-soddy-podzolic solis

DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-004

Field experiments are summarized for the crop rotation link «barley with clover undersowing – clover of the 1st year of use – clover of the 2nd year of use». The experiments were carried out in 2020-2022 on agro-soddy-medium podzolic medium loamy soils of the Udmurt Republic, the territory of which is part of the Vyatka-Kama agricultural province. The effectiveness of humic preparations Zhivaya kaplya and Zoloto poley, which were used as pre-sowing seed treatment and foliar feeding of plants, was studied. Under conditions of excessive waterlogging (2020), barley plants were affected by root rot and net blotch; increase in plant resistance when using the studied preparations has not been established. It was established that the joint implementation of these methods contributed to obtaining reliable increases in the barley grain yield, on average 26.1-29.3% to the control when grown on a nutrient-poor, strongly acidic soil and 26.4-32.3% on a more cultivated and close to neutral soil. Foliar feeding with humic preparations Zhivaya kaplya and Zoloto poley contributed to reduce the damage to red clover plants by anthracnose and clover weevil. At the same time, the yield of green mass increased by 16.1- 17.8%. The use of these preparations in the fodder crop rotation link (2020-2022) ensured an average annual harvest of 2.38-2.43 thousand fodder units per hectare.

Keywords: humic preparations, seed treatment, foliar feeding, barley, red clover, productivity, diseases and pests, plant protection.

Influence of fertilizers in various parts of crop rotation on barley productivity in conditions of the Middle Volga region

DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-005

Efficiency of fertilizers was studied in various parts of crop rotation, which make it possible to form stable barley yields at the lowest cost. The work was carried out in the Ulyanovsk Scientific-Research Institute for Agriculture named after N.S. Nemtsev – a branch of the Samara FRC of the RAS on stationary field experience in 2017-2021. The soil area is represented by leached chernozem, medium-sized. The scheme of the experiment provided for studying the effect of fertilizers in various parts of the crop rotation on the yield of barley with subsequent alternation of crops: 1. Pure steam – winter wheat – spring wheat – barley; 2. Busy steam (peas) – millet – barley; 3. Busy steam (peas) – buckwheat – barley; 4. Alfalfa – spring wheat – barley; 5. Sainfoin – spring wheat – barley. Crops were cultivated against the background of mineral fertilizers and biological products. The highest content of nitrate nitrogen, mobile phosphorus and potassium in the arable soil layer was noted on the N16P16K16 variant when sowing with additional addition of ammonium nitrate for cultivation of N34 with treatment in the tillering phase with Potassium Humate in the crop rotation link with perennial grasses (alfalfa) 51.6; 137.0 and 89.0 mg/kg of soil, respectively. It was found that barley straw contained the largest amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the variants with NPK when sowing with additional nitrogen for cultivation using Potassium Humate in the crop rotation link with alfalfa and sainfoin. The highest content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in barley grain was observed in the NPK variants when sowing in the crop rotation link with alfalfa and sainfoin in the variants with additional nitrogen addition for N34 cultivation using Potassium Humate 3.15-3.15; 1.58-1.65 and 1.98-2.14, respectively. The greatest biological activity of the soil, with a significant difference, was manifested in the link of crop rotation with perennial grasses on variants with additional nitrogen addition for cultivation N34 with the use of Potassium Humate 48.3-49.6%. The maximum yield of barley was obtained on variants with additional addition of N34 for cultivation and the use of Potassium Humate in the crop rotation link with alfalfa 3.70 t/ha with an increase of 0.15 t/ha, and in the link with sainfoin – 3.60 with an increase of 0.05 t/ha.

Keywords: crop rotation, nutrient content, fertilizers, biopreparation, Potassium Humate, septoria, yield.

Productivity potential of sowing oats in west of the Bryansk region

DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-006

In the conditions of the west of the Bryansk region, on soddy-podzolic soils of light grain size distribution, the adaptive properties of sown oats were assessed depending on fertilizer systems according to environmental stability and plasticity parameters according to the «yield» criterion. Changes in the yield of seed oat grains were analyzed between 2016 and 2022, which differed in weather conditions. As a result of the study, it was found that improving adaptation to changing environmental conditions is possible due to the use of mineral fertilizer. It was found that the ratio in the mineral fertilization of the cells plays a role. The natural and climatic conditions of the west of the Bryansk region during the research period create an average variability in grain yield, the use of Albit biologics and mineral fertilizer makes the variability insignificant, an increase in the ratio in potassium mineral fertilizer to nitrogen of more than 1.6 increases the variability indicator to the average. We found that the greatest stress resistance, the minimum value of yield under contrast conditions and the stability of the crop under experimental conditions were observed when using mineral fertilizer in a dose of N90 and the ratio of potassium to nitrogen in fertilizer not more than 1.3. We have found that the use of mineral fertilizer enhances stability and reduces the responsiveness of crops to changes in the environment.

Keywords: sowing oats, yield, adaptability, stability, plasticity, stress resistance, environment conditions, fertilizer system.


Influence of sapropel on biological activity of chestnut soil

DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-007

Results of study of change in the biological activity of the chestnut soil of the Orlovsky district of the Rostov region after the introduction of sapropel in different doses (100-500 t/ha) was studied. Soil respiration, organic carbon content, activity of soil enzymes (catalase, invertase, urease, phosphatase and dehydrogenase), phytotoxicity, and integral parameter of biological state (IPBS) and geometric mean activity of enzymes (GMea) were used as indicators of biological activity. It has been established that soil respiration and organic carbon content decrease with an increase in the dose of the ameliorant. The introduction of sapropel increases germination, phytomass, energy and the rate of initial growth of barley in proportion to the applied dose. At the maximum dose of 500 t/ha of sapropel, barley phytomass increases by 88%. At the same time, there is a decrease in the activity of invertase and urease by 23% and 35%. The activity of other enzymes (catalase, dehydrogenases, phosphatase) increases relative to the control by 9-34%. IPBS of chestnut soil when sapropel is introduced increases by 11-14%, regardless of the dose used. The GMea values are higher than the control in the minimum and average dose of sapropel.

Keywords: biological diagnostics, fertility, melioration, soil enzymes, bottom sediments, phytotoxicity.

Influence of microbial consortium on changes in level of consolidation of heavy metals in the «soil – plant» system

DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-008

Based on the study of heavy metals (HM) profile distribution data in the symbiosystem of various pea varieties, a method for fractal analysis of toxicants in various organs is proposed, which obeys the laws of morphogenesis. To determine the ratio of bound and unbound HM ions in plants (HM biocomposition index), a mathematical model was used – a fractal triplet, which sets the logarithmetic quantitative ratio of three types of HM. It has been established that the HM index depends both on the factor of the genotype of pea plants and on the factor of inoculation with beneficial microflora. Pea genotypes with a minimum content of many heavy metals in shoots and seeds have been identified. With the exception of cobalt (r = +0.47, P = 0.026) and chromium (r = +0.47, P = 0.028), no correlation was found between the HM content in both organs. As a rule, inoculation led to a decrease in the HM content in pea shoots and/or seeds, which improved water supply to the plant and leaching of toxicant salts through the plant pores. This effect varied depending on the genotype and plant organ. Based on the calculation of HM consolidation indices, two pea lines were selected for further research to obtain environmentally friendly seed products under conditions of polymetallic contamination of substrates: the vegetable variety Telephone, and the fodder variety Nikolka. For the variety Telephone, the effect of inoculation on the decrease in the HM content in the rhizosphere was most pronounced. Microbes increased the level of fixation of toxicants in the rhizosphere of this variety by 91%.

Keywords: soil pollution, microbial consortium, pea, heavy metals, fractal triplet, indices of structural biocomposition.

About dating the age of fallows when lands is taken out from agricultural turnover

DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-009

Characteristics of communities formed on fallow lands depending on the type of previous use for visual determination of the age of communities in the Non-chernozem zone of Russia are presented. The traditional methods and techniques were used: meadow-growing, agro-economic justification and evaluation, geobotanical. The plant communities marking succession shifts for the period of 15 years have been established. It has been shown that all changes after the termination of agricultural lands use proceed by type of demutational shifts. The ultimate coenosis in succession shifts are described communities of associations the Convolvulo arvensis – Brometum inermis Felföldy (1943), Cynosuro cristati – Agrostietum tenuis Buloclhov (1990), Deschampsio cespitosae – Agrostietum tenuis Bulochov (1990) and the basal community Calamagrostis epigeios. For succession rows, an increase in species diversity has been recorded over 15 years, and the appearance of nitrophilic coenosis Urtico – Aegopodietum (Tx. 1963) Oberd 1969 at the middle stages of shifts. After the cessation of grazing and haymaking, the stable meadow communities are formed much faster, as meadow species are initially present in these coenosis. When the growth of arable land and grassing down meadows, a slight increase in the trophicity of communities, a change in the acidity and moisture conditions of habitats are recorded. As vegetation recovers, the proportion of weed-ruderal and nitrophilic plant species decreases.

Keywords: fallows, succession shifts, age of communities, soil microbiota, the Bryansk region.


Complex effect of tripoli on «seeds – plant – soil» system

DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-010

In the laboratory experiment, the influence of silicon-containing rock of tripoli in doses of 200 kg/ha and 1000 kg/ha on the biometric parameters of spring wheat plants of the Ulyanovsk 105 variety, as well as on the microbiological and agrochemical characteristics of gray forest medium loamy soil was evaluated. The introduction of tripoli into the soil both separately and in combination with mineral fertilizers increases the germination of the test plant by 4.0-6.0% and improves biometric growth indicators: coleoptile length – by 4.9-29.7%, plant height – by 9.4-49.4%, root length – by 22.4-36.4%. When applying tripoli, an increase in the respiratory activity of the microbial community was revealed up to 10.5-11.9 mg CO2/100 g × 24 h and up to 12.1-15.0 mg CO2/100 g × 24 h with the joint application of tripoli with mineral fertilizers. A shift in the reaction of the medium towards neutralization has been established: hydrolytic acidity decreases to 3.14-3.39 mol/100 g of soil, the amount of absorbed bases increases to 14.1-14.6 mg-eq/100 g of soil, the content of alkaline hydrolyzable nitrogen increases to 119 mg/kg. To improve the agrochemical properties of gray forest soil, the optimal dose of tripoli was 200 t/ha.

Keywords: gray forest soil, tripoli, spring wheat, biometric indicators, agrochemical and microbiological diagnostics.

Assessment effect of complex biofertilizers on productivity and microbiocoenosis of buckwheat

DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-011

New complex biofertilizers based on a consortium of autochthonous bacteria and mineral and organic-mineral fertilizers have been studied in the laboratory experiment for cultivation of new variety of buckwheat Nikolskaya. The consortium is composed in a 1:1 ratio of nitrogen-fixing (Azotobacter chroococcum 5 V(e) (VKPM: V-10387) and Pseudomonas brassicacearum 26W(c) (VKPM: V-10388)) and phosphate-mobilizing (Achromobacter xylosoxidans 5 F(b) (VKPM: V-10386) and Sphingobacterium multivorum 6 F(b) (VKPM: V-10385)) strains with a bacterial suspension density of 8.0×109 MPN/cm3. As additives, the mineral fertilizer azofoska and the organic-mineral fertilizer based on zeolite were used. Organic-mineral fertilizer was obtained by mixing zeolite with chicken manure in a ratio of 1:1, thermally processed and produced in the form of irregular round granules 0.2-0.6 mm in size for easy application to the soil. The maximum yield of buckwheat was noted in two variants – with a consortium of microorganisms and the use of NPK (5.2 and 4.0 times higher than the control without fertilizers, respectively). Complex fertilizers are arranged according to their effect on buckwheat grain productivity as follows: NPK + consortium of microorganisms > organic-mineral fertilizer + consortium of microorganisms > NPK + organic-mineral fertilizer. The use of complex biofertilizers leads to an increase in the height of buckwheat plants and its yield, the growth of agronomically significant groups of microorganisms in the rhizosphere (ammonifiers, diazotrophs, phosphate mobilizers, actinobacteria, etc.), a decrease in phytopathogenic micromycetes, and in general to the improvement of the soil ecosystem.

Keywords: buckwheat, microbial coenosis, autochthonous bacteria, natural minerals, complex fertilizers.

Application of methodology of economics of land degradation for the Vladimir region

DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-012

The article presents the results of the approbation of the concept of the Economics of Land Degradation ((J. von Braun's methodology for assessing «action/inaction»)) at three levels of the administrative-territorial structure of the Vladimir region (the Vladimir region in general – the Suzdal municipal district – agricultural farm of the FSBSE «Verkhnevolzhsky Federal Agrarian Scientific Center». At the same time, the cost of «action» was the cost of returning the most productive vegetation cover, and the cost of «inaction» was the cost of passive waiting, when the productivity of the ecosystem annually falls by some amount. The decrease in the value of land during the estimated period was regarded as their degradation. The economic assessment of «action» and «inaction» revealed the economic justification of investments in the restoration of land productivity on a 20-year planning horizon only for the territory of the agricultural farm. Thus, the processes of land degradation at different economic levels are different. The intensity of degradation processes in the soils of the agricultural farm of the FSBSE «Verkhnevolzhsky Federal Agrarian Scientific Center», where scientifically based farming systems with optimal doses of mineral and organic fertilizers have been used for a long time, is significantly lower than in the soils of the Suzdal municipal District and the Vladimir Region as a whole. The results obtained indicate the need for serious transformations in the structure of agricultural production of the district and the region as a whole and the implementation of a complex of necessary soil restoration measures in these territories.

Keywords: soil and land degradation, assessment of «action» and «inaction», expediency of land restoration, planning horizon.

Research of Fusarium equiseti and Cylindrocarpon magnusianum reaction to different concentrations of oil and heavy metals in medium

DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-013

Root endophytes are able to limit the impact of chemicals on plants and increase their resistance to stressful conditions. Cultures (isolates) of endophytic micromycetes Fusarium equiseti and Cylindrocarpon magnusianum, isolated from the roots of plants growing for a long time in urban soil conditions, were used in the studies. However, these types of fungi are not obligate endophytes. In laboratory experiments, different concentrations of oil and heavy metals were modeled in the media on which these types of micromycetes were cultivated, the effect of pollutants on the growth rates of mycelial colonies and the content of malonic dialdehyde in the mycelium was established. It has been established that cultures of Cylindrocarpon magnusianum and Fusarium equiseti have high metal resistance, while they showed the greatest resistance to chromium and lead than to biogenic elements (zinc and copper). The concentration of copper in the medium of 150 mg/l for F. equiseti turned out to be the most toxic, but not the threshold. The study of the dynamics of the content of malonic dialdehyde in the fungal mycelium indicated species specificity in relation to heavy metals: C. magnusianum is more resistant to high concentrations of copper, F. equiseti – chromium. Fungal cultures also showed resistance to the oil content in the substrate. Endophytic fungi adapted to the conditions of the technogenic environment can be used as agents for managing plant resistance in creating artificial sustainable plantations and restoring disturbed lands.

Keywords: micromycetes, fungi, heavy metals, metal resistance, oil pollution resistance.


Influence of humic preparations on condition of woody species in arid conditions

DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-014

The characteristics of the preparations Biofulen torfogel and Humavit, their composition, detailed application schemes for the treatment of plant seedlings, their spraying during the growing season and root tillage are considered. It was found that the dark chestnut soils of the experimental site are characterized by a high content of chloride, which increases their acidity and can worsen the effect of mineral and organic fertilizers, as well as sulfate, which greatly reduces fertility. The soil composition is dominated by a sand fraction with a size of 1.0-0.25 mm. The combination of soil conditions with complex weather and climatic factors of the Volgograd region significantly complicates the cultivation of tree and shrub species, which requires a special approach and selection of drugs that accelerate the growth and development of plants. The condition of seedlings of oak petiolate is analyzed, it is assumed that the drug Humavit can actively stimulate pigmentation in young plants, causing their active growth and development, increasing the biometric parameters of the leaves. The death of experimental plants in the variant of the experiment with the use of Humavit did not exceed 1-2%. It was found that the humic preparation Biofulen torfogel has the best effect on the growth in height of seedlings of Robinia pseudoacacia and oak petiolate. The seedlings of Crimean pine, scots pine and black poplar were not actively affected by Biofulen torfogel due to exposure to high air temperatures and rapid evaporation of moisture, which slowed down the growth and development of seedlings of these types. When using Biofulen torfogel, an increase in the safety of experimental plants was observed – the best results were shown by a variant of the experiment with the processing of pedunculate oak (169 pcs.), robinia pseudoaciation (163 pcs.). The maximum seedling length in black poplar was 59 cm, the diameter of the root neck in robinia was 6 mm, which allows us to draw conclusions about the effect of the drug on the morphometric parameters of plants.

Keywords: Humavit, Biofulen torfogel, humic preparations, tree species, arid conditions, the Volgograd region.

Influence of humic preparations on yield and quality of winter wheat on ordinary carbonate chernozem

DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-015

A study was made of the effect of single and double treatments of vegetative plants of winter wheat with BIO-Don and ECOSS humic preparations on the dynamics of soil fertility indicators of ordinary carbonate chernozem, on the yield and quality of winter wheat grain in 2020-2022. Based on the results, it was found that the effect of humic preparations is significantly affected by weather conditions. A sufficient amount of soil moisture in 2020- 2021 created favorable conditions for the assimilation of mineral nitrogen in all variants of the experiment; in the series BIO-Don 1 < BIO-Don 2 < ECOSS 1 < ECOSS 2, an increase in the yield of winter wheat was noted, belongs to the second-third class, and on the variant of double processing ECOSS approaches the first. In the conditions of a low-humidity spring-summer vegetation of 2021-2022, against the background of a low level of nitrogen nutrition, there was no difference in yield between the options, except for the option of double treatment with ECOSS, there is an increase in yield by 32.9% compared to the control. The quality of winter wheat grain has also noticeably deteriorated: in terms of protein content this season, the grain belongs to the fifth class, only two-time treatment with ECOSS contributed to the accumulation of nitrogen, and, consequently, protein up to the fourth class. In general, according to the results of the experiment, it is worth noting the effectiveness of the treatment of vegetative plants with the ECOSS humic preparation in comparison with the BIO-Don preparation, and in relation to the frequency of treatments – twice.

Keywords: ordinary chernozem, mobile nitrogen, BIO-Don, ECOSS, productivity, foliar treatment.


Assessment of soils and bottom sediments contamination level by heavy metals

DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-016

On the basis of analysis of the data available in literature and the results of own studies the essential methodological aspects of assessing the pollution of soils with heavy metals are considered. The concepts of heavy metals, their toxicity, technophilicity, physical and chemical mobility and bioavailability are outlined. The factors influencing the content of heavy metals in soils and bottom sediments are highlighted. The information on gross concentrations of metals in soil-forming rocks and bottom sediments of different granulometric composition is given. General information about the systems of standardization of the content of heavy metals in soil in Russia and foreign countries is given.

Keywords: soil, bottom sediments, heavy metals, granulometric composition, soil quality standards.


Academician G.V. Dobrovolskiy’s disciple (to 80th anniversary of P.N. Balabko)

DOI: 10.24412/1029-2551-2022-4-017

The article is dedicated to the anniversary of the famous soil scientist Petr Nikolaevich Balabko. The formation of an outstanding scientist as a researcher and leader is shown. The contribution of P.N. Balabko in the study of morphogenesis, properties and regimes of floodplain soils in the river valleys of the East European and West Siberian plains, Northern Mongolia, diagnostics and assessment of the ecological state of soils in river valleys and agroecosystems, as well as in the development of agroecological direction in agriculture.

Keywords: university, Lomonosov Moscow State University, soil science faculty, micromorphology, elementary soil-forming processes.